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Self-Love versus Self-Care

An image with the blog title and a woman smiling.
While self-love and self-care are closely related and used interchangeably, they each play a unique role in nurturing our mental, physical, and relational health.

The first two chapters of my book, The Journey Back to Self, center on self-love and self-care. After a reader and I discussed the difference between the two, I realized that the strategies I shared to nurture self-love could also be considered self-care practices.

For example, healthy boundaries can be viewed as a form of self-love and self-care. Getting enough rest is a loving behavior toward self and a self-care strategy. Mindfulness helps us develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and elevates our well-being. As I flipped through my book and reviewed the strategies for self-love and self-care, I recognized one important factor: the intention behind the practice.

Different, But Connected

I see these two terms as sisters, closely related and deeply connected, yet each has its unique role in our well-being. They share a familial bond, supporting and enhancing one another, but they are not identical. Understanding their distinct yet complementary nature is key to fully integrating them into our lives.

Self-Love: The Elder Sister

Self-love, the elder sister, forms the foundation of our emotional and mental well-being. She teaches us to appreciate and accept ourselves unconditionally. Self-love is about cultivating a deep sense of worth and respect for who we are, flaws and all. It’s the inner voice that reassures us we are enough, deserving of kindness and compassion. When we practice self-love, we nurture our inner selves, building a strong sense of identity and confidence that radiates outward.

Self-Care: The Younger Sister

Self-care, the younger sister, builds upon this foundation by focusing on the tangible actions we take to maintain and enhance our well-being. She reminds us to listen to our bodies, minds, and spirits, encouraging us to engage in activities that refresh and rejuvenate us. Self-care encompasses the practices that keep us healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally. Whether getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, exercising, spending time with friends, praying, or relaxing, self-care expresses our love for ourselves in actionable steps.

The Interplay of Self-Love and Self-Care

These sisters, though distinct, are inseparable in their pursuit of our holistic well-being. Self-love guides us to prioritize self-care, ensuring that our actions stem from a place of genuine respect and compassion for ourselves. Conversely, consistent self-care reinforces our self-love by showing ourselves that we are worth the effort and time invested.

Intention: The Key Differentiator

The intention behind our actions is what distinguishes self-love from self-care. When we set healthy boundaries from a place of self-love, we acknowledge our inherent worth and protect our emotional space. When we get enough rest as part of self-care, we actively tend to our physical needs to function at our best. Both are crucial, but understanding the "why" behind these actions helps us practice them more effectively.

Understanding and embracing the sisterhood of self-love and self-care allows us to nurture our inner and outer selves, leading to a richer, more resilient, and joyful existence.

Embrace the journey.

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© Live Like Her, LLC and Alicia Caldwell, 2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s owner is strictly prohibited. A request can be made by emailing


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